Here are some pictures of our sweet kiddos. It is truly a joy to be their Mama.
Colton and I are so blessed by these 2 little human beings. The pictures kind of speak for themselves.
Coleman is 2 years, 4 months and Callie will be 6 months on the 7th of July.
Coleman still loves his "seester". The Lord has been gracious to give us a laid back daughter (I could just eat up her chunky little cheeks) and sweet little boy (I pray it continues!!!) :)
Coleman likes playing the guitar ("bitar") and Callie likes smiling at Coleman (and pretty much anyone.)
We spend most early evenings in our front yard playing in the sprinkler and sitting in our chairs, talking to neighbors and friends.
Colton is busy with work, softball and promoting the clean-up of the Mississippi River.
I have just started playing tennis again...super fun for me!!!
Enjoy the pictures...sorry again for being such a slacker :)
(Yes, that is a scratched up nose on Coleman. He had a little tumble down the stairs).
Aww, I love these! :)